Events & Activations


Events & Activations

In digital times it’s harder than ever to get consumers’ attention. Hence brands are constantly looking for new ways to engage with digital-savvy audiences at trade shows, events, brand activations and experiential marketing campaigns. These campaigns are immersive, live and memorable which helps to deliver brands message without distractions.

Surely, above the line advertising is important, but so is everything that lies below. Gone are the days when traditional marketing and ATL activities (print, media, radio & internet) were only responsible for generating leads. BTL activities are more interactive and give the opportunity to brands and consumers to connect on a personal level. It allows a direct point of contact between customers and the brand.

Be it any BTL activity, whether its mall activation or exhibition Stall Fabrication or latest experiential marketing solutions, it helps the brand to engage the audience while creating a positive and powerful impact on them. It is great for companies in early stages of their life cycles and looking to get the maximum bang for their buck. The mushrooming of new businesses across the globe have made BTL advertising an important cog in the organizational wheel.

Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is when a company hosts an interactive brand experience in physical space. Experiential marketing enables brands to deeply engage both new and existing clients personally. These experiences garner meaningful attention and foster conversations that otherwise would not happen. From street teams to pop-ups to corporate trade shows, experiential marketing is more than just events. It combines brand strategy, architecture, publicity, design, content development, technology, artistry, and production to launch long-lasting and memorable connections between consumers and brands.

Our team of strategists extend your live experience to broader audiences using social media, partnerships, and more, presenting your brand at the right time and place to help draw audiences to you. Throughout, we measure engagement to continue creating bigger and better experiences for your audience which will inspire them to share the same with their friends both online and offline.

Brand Activations

In fact, as our culture becomes more and more connected digitally, the world’s leading brands have embraced Brand Activations as a way to cut through the clutter and emotionally connect with busy consumers. Brand activations allow consumers to experience a product or service, usually in a face-to-face setting (like retail environments or city streets). Brand activations often employ experiential methods to convey a brand’s product, service, or values to consumers who then walk away with a positive impression of the brand. We bring brands to life and creates experiences through total brand activation – from strategy to execution.

We work across multiple activation platforms – from exhibitions and events, retail, themed environments, visual identity, sports marketing and overlays, and venue management and consultation, to content, sponsorship activation, below-the-line and above-the-line engagement marketing, and digital and technology solutions.


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Industry Blogs

How do you go about building a brand name in the 21st century?

It has never been easier to launch a brand in the market. If brands harness the power of social media strategically, they can reach their audience in huge numbers in a very less amount of time and money as compared to older times. With the advent of digital media, the sky is the limit.

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